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PostSubject: Kumiko Tamashini   Kumiko Tamashini EmptyMon Jun 03, 2024 3:09 pm

Name: Kumiko Tamashini
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5'5
Weight: 105lbs
Age: 25
Hair Color: Stark White
Eye Color: White
Personality: A stoic warrior, calm in the face of any adversity. She isn't beyond a joke or two, but it's more a rarity than an occassion.
Weakness: While she uses her blindness to the best of her abilities, she is still very blind.
Profession: Warrior of the Goddess
Weapons: Katana
Weapons Specialist: Swords - +1 CS to Fighting or Agility

Weapons Expert: Swords - +1 CS to Damage.

Martial Arts Master - All Martial Arts abilities. Counts as two skills.

Gymnastics - +1 CS to Agility. Can also be used in combat against ranged attacks only.

Languages: Common, Japanese

Description and/or Picture:
Kumiko Tamashini Kumiko14

Kumiko Tamashini Kumiko15

Fighting: Marvelous(Typical in loud crowds)
Agility: Excellent(Poor in loud crowds)
Strength: Very Good
Endurance: Very Good

Reasoning: Excellent
Intuition: Marvelous
Psyche: Remarkable

Hit Points: 75
Stamina Points: 75
Mana: 75

Kumiko Tamashini Kumiko13

Spells / Special Abilities:
Blindsight: While she is blind and cannot "see" a target, Blindsight is able to perceive the target using a bunch of other senses. She might be able to hear movement, breath, heartbeat; smell creatures or items; feel vibrations or heat from creatures; or "see" using echolocation. With all of these heightened senses, a creature with Blindsight should be able to identify where a creature or item is, and what it is doing.

Ten'Zin Holy Blade: Her blade is permanently attuned with Light magic and deals +1CS damage to creatures of darkness, -1CS to creatures of Light. This does not stack with Weapon Expert.

Light Magic:
First Circle:
Attunement ( Light )
Cost: 5mp per target
Uses: Psyche if needed ( See below )
Description: Aligns a weapon with light energy, allowing the wielder to target magical creatures such as heartless, shadows and other creatures that cannot be harmed with a normal weapon. Allow gives a short term bonus of +1cs to fighting, as well as +1cs damage to darkness-aligned creatures only, for 2 rounds. As the weapon glows dimly for the bonus period, it incurs a -1cs penalty to sneak and hide. Can target 1 weapon for every circle of magic the caster knows. Can also be used to realign a weapon from Darkness to Light, but a yellow roll is required to do so.

Ball of Light
Cost: 5MP
Uses: None
Description: Allows the caster to summon a ball of light that allows vision in dark areas up to 5 feet away. The ball can be stationary or made to follow the caster. Lasts 1 hour for every circle of magic the caster knows, and can create one ball for every circle of magic per casting.

Second Circle:
Cost: 10MP
Uses: Psyche
Description: Does Excellent damage to up to three ( 3 ) non-living creatures in the area ( Heartless, undead, creatures from the shadow realm ). Alternatively, this spell can do Remarkable damage to one non-living creature. Creatures resist with endurance. On a red roll, or any creature that botches ( rolls a 5 of less ) is instantly banished from this plane. Certain monsters can resist this banishment, and only take additional damage.

Cost: 10 MP
Uses: Psyche
Description: Creates a large blast of light in front of two opponents. Targets roll agility or intuition, whichever is lower. If the spell is successful, target is stunned for 1 round or until they get struck.

Born in modern Japan, Kumiko Tamashini was raised in the Ten'zin clan: a group of religious fanatics that actually managed to make contact with a holy entity. This holy entity bestowed upon them a prophecy of global destruction and that a holy warrior was to be trained. She was born with the destiny of becoming this holy warrior.

There was only one issue.. she was born blind. This was not foreseen, and there were others who tried to take up the title of the warrior the prophecy spoke of, but in the end she proved to be a formidable foe and bested her peers despite her disadvantage. She did not use her blindness as a crutch or let it hold her back, and instead used her myriad of other senses far better than her opponents.

The time came for a portal of darkness to open and Heartless to gain anchor onto her world. The entity of the Ten'Zin clan did well enough to hold it back for some time, but in the end was overpowered. The entity bestowed its power into a blade that was presented to Kumiko, and she never broke stride waging war against the Heartless.
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